Pre-season checklist 2024

Want a road-map or reminder of the key steps your sports club or school needs to take to manage new registrations and renewals for the new season?

Most major sports codes use the Sporty platform for clubs and schools to register people and enter teams into competitions. Here's a quick pre-season checklist along with links to online support to ensure you're good to go for 2024.

The key steps for taking registrations online through web input forms are:

  1. Ensure your web form has the question fields needed to capture the information you want. To do this, follow the instructions to Edit a Form.
  2. If you're letting people pay you online, add 'products' and pricing to your form.
  3. Once you're happy with your form, let people use it to register or renew:
  4. Watch your online database grow as people register/renew through your web form. You can then use other functionality from Sporty such as:

For more comprehensive instructions on how to use the Sporty platform, please click here or visit 

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